How to Be the Best You Can Be. It Is Possible…


Dear Great One,

You’re still breathing, and you still have time to fulfill your life mission, which will require a lot more from you than you ever thought possible. Good thing you’re about to learn “How to Be the Best You Can Be.”

#1. Start with “Thank You”

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank You,” it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart (Johannes Eckhart)

When you are grateful, you align yourself with the universe’s creative force. You admit you are a creative force.

In those moments of gratitude, you’ve stopped playing small, no longer pretending to be less than you are. You’re living up to your unlimited potential. And it feels great to do that.

It’s been said that it only takes 17 seconds of gratitude to make that connection with the creative force, that shift from poverty to abundance, from helplessness to strength.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” when he woke up in the morning, which set the tone for his entire day.

Try that out. Say “Thank you” out loud or in your mind when you wake up. When I’ve done that, I’ve noticed the difference. It’s a form of meditation, even if only for at least 17 seconds.

Another way to start with “Thank you” is to keep a gratitude journal.

You can use “The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day” by Intelligent Change or write down at least three things you’re grateful for each morning. I’ve done both methods.

==> Click here to read my review of “The Five Minute Journal” by Intelligent Change. <==

The idea is to keep thinking of different things you’re grateful for. And you can repeat yourself sometimes.

Consistently applied, when you list what you’re grateful for each morning, you show how much you already have. And you make room for so much more, too.

Blinking and breathing are automatic. As you make gratitude a habit, it will also become automatic, however long it takes. You’ll train yourself to align with the universe’s creative force constantly. And oh, what a rich life you have.

You’re already being the best you can be. And you’re just getting started.

What’s next?

#2. Think of Yourself as Being the Other Person

This is one of life’s great secrets. It’s something that religions and faiths have taught for many centuries. And science is finally catching up to it. Everything is energy. And it’s all the same energy.

Think of yourself as being the other person. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You are your neighbor. We are all of the same energy. Everyone is your neighbor.

The planet, galaxy, and universe are one neighborhood.

Fred Rogers said it well in his song “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” from his show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”

“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor,

Please, won’t you be my neighbor?”

You can show yourself as the embodiment of love by seeing yourself as the other person.

If that sounds like a big deal, that’s because it is. You are love, and so is everyone else.

So, why doesn’t it look that way?

#3. See Who You Really Are

The missing ingredient is positive action. The action of showing yourself as love. The action of proving that you are love, and so is everyone else.

You could see life as being a mathematical equation. It’s a straightforward equation. This equation can be stated in multiple ways:

You = Love
You = Your Neighbor
Everyone = Love

The challenge of life is to prove the equation as being true. I never said that it’s easy. This could be the most difficult thing you ever do.

Yet, what else is there?

Relationships are all we have in life.

The purpose of life is to love and be loved. To see who you are and act from that.

Your mission is to live out your specific expression of love. Whatever that specific expression is. It’s up to you to discover that for yourself.

What is love?

Here are some thoughts on what love is and what love is not:

“Love is patient (and) kind. It does not envy (or) boast. It is (humble). It (honors) others. It is not self-seeking (or) easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, (and) perseveres.” – I Corinthians 13:4-7

I’ve also heard that love is accepting someone, including yourself, for exactly how they are and for exactly how they are not.

Love is many things. It is also an action.

Much good has been done for the sake of love. Your life’s mission is to expand on the expression of love in the universe.

#4. Live from the Awareness of Your Real Self

Your life mission requires a lot more from you than you ever thought possible. It requires that you be the giant you are, the genius you are, the creative force you are.

It’s time to stop pretending you’re anything less than that. This is your wake-up call, your call to arms. Your family, your community, and this world need your leadership. The world cries out for leaders of love. More is always needed. If you don’t step up to the task, then who will?

There are countless ways you can express your love. But you don’t have to get overwhelmed by that. Narrow your focus. What’s the simplest thing you can do to start showing your love?

Pick one thing. Do it. Expand from there.

My writing is an act of love. What’s yours?

It could be anything. A gentle, consensual touch. A warm embrace. Words of encouragement. Feeding the hungry people. Donating whatever you can. Whatever else you can think of that helps, you can do it.

Even if you think you can’t or think it’s beyond your capabilities, I’m here to tell you that you can. You are greater than you think, stronger than you know, and more powerful than you realize.

As you live from the awareness of your authentic self, you live up to your mission. The mission you’ve been looking for all along. It was always available, always waiting for you.

What you were looking for was looking for you.


What I’ve talked about in this post covers both mindset and action. Thinking and seeing. Starting and living. Mindset leads to action, and action leads to mindset.

As you start with “thank you” each morning and continue with “thank you” throughout each day, you open yourself up to life’s infinite, positive possibilities. You connect with the universe’s creative force and acknowledge how rich you already are.

Then you think of yourself as being the other person. No one is ever isolated or alone. Everyone is always connected, even if it doesn’t look that way. Appearances can be deceiving. We are all neighbors. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love yourself and your neighbor.

As you see who you are and live from the awareness of your authentic self, you fulfill your life mission by showing yourself as the embodiment of love. You reveal that you are a giant, a genius, a creative force.

You are capable of all that. You contain worlds within yourself, worlds of love.

Start with “Thank You.” Think of yourself as being the other person. See who you are. Live from the awareness of your authentic self. That’s how to be the best you can be.

Action. Mindset. Mindset. Action.

With each breath you take, with each gift you give, you keep on going and growing.

Thank you for reading. Here is what else you can do:

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Until next time,

James Barnett

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