February 2020


The Strangest Secret Review: Earl Nightingale’s Success Manual

This post contains affiliate link(s). An affiliate link means I may earn advertising or referral fees if you purchase through my link. In 1956, Earl Nightingale recorded an audio called “The Strangest Secret.” The small group of salesmen Earl recorded the audio for enjoyed it so much that they requested copies to share with their […]

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The Magic of Believing Book Review: Claude Bristol’s Guide to Powerful Thinking

This post contains affiliate link(s). An affiliate link means I may earn advertising or referral fees if you purchase through my link. I’ve known about “The Magic of Believing” by Claude Bristol for many years, and I finally read it. I knew I would enjoy the book and get value from it, and I did.

The Magic of Believing Book Review: Claude Bristol’s Guide to Powerful Thinking Read More »


One Race. Human Race. The Differences Are Only Skin Deep

Perhaps you’ve seen this phrase before: “One Race. Human Race. One Blood. Red Blood.” Or this phrase that shortens it further: “One Race. One Blood.” These phrases are excellent reminders that humans aren’t so different after all. Divided we fall. United we stand. We’re stronger together. One race with many, many ethnicities. One race with

One Race. Human Race. The Differences Are Only Skin Deep Read More »

What Is an Overdose About – My History of Non-Fatal Overdoses

What is an overdose about? Over a period of 19 years, I overdosed multiple times on multiple substances. Each time, I thought I could handle larger amounts and not suffer any consequences. The possibility of overdosing didn’t enter my mind. Using and abusing substances is similar to gambling. They can both be addictive behaviors, and with

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