
When You Beckon the Brightness and Turn Off the Dark

“Gratitude.” That’s my word of the year.

When I find myself in a foul mood, I remember “gratitude,” and my mood shifts to something positive. When I see and consider the blessings that I have in my life, I think of “gratitude,” and I know that I’m safe wherever I am. I am provided for. I am freedom. I am strength. I need to be here on this planet and in this lifetime. I am wealth and abundance, and so are you.

Thank you to everyone who has read this website. Thank you to everyone who has commented. Thank you to everyone who has shared some brightness in my life. Thank you to everyone who has told me that I’ve shared some brightness in your lives, too. We help each other keep going. We support each other. I am grateful for you.

United we stand. Together we rise.

We bring more light into each other’s lives. Each of us has the choice of lightness / brightness or darkness.

When you beckon the brightness and turn off the dark, you say “Yes” to life. You admit that you are love, and you share the love that you are. You embrace gratitude, and you are blessed.

Enjoy these lyrics, and beckon the brightness now.

“Beckon the Brightness” lyrics / poem by James Barnett

There’s a war going on in my head
It’s like my ego wants me dead
Yet my spirit wants me free
To remember and win the game
Ego or spirit, which will it be
Either one requires me to cooperate
Pick a side while the battle rages on
It’s up to me to suffer or thrive
Will I choose the darkness or the dawn
Will I choose the darkness or the dawn

Don’t wanna seem too one-sided
But why not go the other way instead
And after decades of depression
It’s time to beckon the brightness now
It’s time to beckon the brightness now
A chain reaction of positivity
The light is blinding, but at least I see
What a gift the present is for me
And all the greatness that I get to be
And all the greatness that I get to be

I’ve kept forgetting who I am
A being of light, blinding and bright
If I keep remembering, I get to advance
Onward and upward, join in the dance
With awareness, comes excitement and fun
A constant streaming of unconditional love
Who can I also bring along
To enjoyably belong and evolve
We beckon the brightness now
We beckon the brightness now

Enough of the negativity
After decades of depression
Spirit is the cure that I seek
It’s time to beckon the brightness now
It’s time to beckon the brightness now
A chain reaction of positivity
The light is blinding, but at least I see
What a gift the present is for me
And all the greatness that I get to be
And all the greatness that I get to be


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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2 thoughts on “When You Beckon the Brightness and Turn Off the Dark”

  1. Hello James,

    I agree, gratitude is excellent. Having gratitude, being grateful and thankful everyday for many things is very wise and extremely helpful and healthy.

    I try to be a thankful person.

    Life indeed is a battle, the mind versus the heart. A well-known author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, wrote a book called “Battlefield of the Mind.” Her teaching on this topic on her television program helped me immensely years ago. She is a gifted teacher whose life’s work is to help people grow. Like you.

    Joyce’s early life was very difficult. From what she learned and continues to learn to heal and be healthy, she passes on to many others.

    You, young man, are also using pain in your life to the advantage of getting better, not bitter. Your heart and mind are in the right place! Keep going, you bless people more than you realize.

    1. Thank you, Maisie. I had a co-worker who really enjoyed watching Joyce Meyer’s show regularly. I remember reading one of Joyce’s books. I don’t remember the name of it at the moment. Joyce is very disciplined, and she does make excellent points in what she says and writes. She shares practical actions to take.

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