H.O.P.E. lyrics / poem by James Barnett


What lights you up
What keeps you awake at night
In a good way
Too excited to sleep
Found in the arms of God’s embrace
A whole new world awaits you
Like when you were younger
And everything seemed possible
A magical wonderland
Where your dreams come true
You may have been naïve back then
But you could have been
On to something there
The child-like wonders
The thrills and excitement
The gratitude for even
The simplest of things
That can all be yours again
In this dream called life
You don’t have to be right
You can be rich instead

Let H.O.P.E. come alive
And reign in your heart
Have Only Positive Expectations
Protect your downside
Remember your strength
Help One Person or more Every day
The healing begins
When you reach out as a friend
Hold On, Pain Ends
Your life is what you make it to be
Help Open People’s Eyes
Take a chance
You’ll be surprised
Heart Open, Please Enter
Vulnerability makes connection happen
Trust is a risk
Sometimes it pays off
tHink pOsitive, opPortunity entErs
Be full of H.O.P.E. and act
On what makes you smile
What you’re looking for is already here

I still remember that night all those years ago
Couldn’t sleep yet I was full of H.O.P.E.
Only me in the house
Left alone with my thoughts
I prayed for at least six hours
For my heart’s desire
I kept smiling and crying
Laughing and weeping
Packed with positive emotions
And much repetition
I couldn’t help but think
That my prayer would be answered
I released it with faith
And with thankfulness
Looking back on that naïve twenty year old
So much different than how I am now
Don’t know when I’ll see my prayer realized
I might have some H.O.P.E. left
In my tank of belief
Meanwhile I transform myself
Into the man I get to be
The one I’ve seen in my dreams
Both waking and sleeping

Let H.O.P.E. come alive
And reign in your heart
Have Only Positive Expectations
Protect your downside
Remember your strength
Help One Person or more Every day
The healing begins
When you reach out as a friend
Hold On, Pain Ends
Your life is what you make it to be
Help Open People’s Eyes
Take a chance
You’ll be surprised
Heart Open, Please Enter
Vulnerability makes connection happen
Trust is a risk
Sometimes it pays off
tHink pOsitive, opPortunity entErs
Be full of H.O.P.E. and act
On what makes you smile
What you’re looking for is already here

Actions to take
Fun moments to create
The adventure of life is unfolding
Your perception now is transforming
Into one of possibility and power
This is your own happy hour
You are still the child
You knew yourself to be
You give yourself permission to be free
Stand up and show yourself you can heal
Prove that you’re so much
Stronger than steel
You are an original and cannot be replaced
So what if your purpose
Has been misplaced
You can get back on track just like that
You have multiple turns up at bat
So take another swing
Get back in the ring
Hold the cards close to your chest
Whatever sports analogy fits you best
I’ll see you there, I’ll see you then
Let H.O.P.E. come alive
In your heart once again

Let H.O.P.E. come alive
And reign in your heart
Have Only Positive Expectations
Protect your downside
Remember your strength
Help One Person or more Every day
The healing begins
When you reach out as a friend
Hold On, Pain Ends
Your life is what you make it to be
Help Open People’s Eyes
Take a chance
You’ll be surprised
Heart Open, Please Enter
Vulnerability makes connection happen
Trust is a risk
Sometimes it pays off
tHink pOsitive, opPortunity entErs
Be full of H.O.P.E. and act
On what makes you smile
What you’re looking for is already here
What I’m looking for is already here
What we’re looking for is already here
Already here
Already here


I wrote the “H.O.P.E.” lyrics / poem on May 1, 2019. Hope is more valuable than ever.

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Until next time,

James Barnett

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