Longest Distance lyrics / poem by James Barnett


An idiot genius trapped in his own mind
A mental playground
A whirly go merry go round
An exhaustion of options
Caught up with thinking too much
Where is my heart in all this
Could it be I’ve given up

The longest distance to travel
Is traversing from head to heart
The greatest leap of faith
Is to have a heart-centered life
Oh, carry me over, sweet heart of mine
I wanna connect with you
Could this finally be the time
Have I arrived
Have I arrived

It’s like I’ve gotta romance my own heart
Treat it real special
And show how important it is to me
Set aside the time and take proper care of it
Could I still have a chance
Or have all my chances passed me by

The longest distance to travel
Is traversing from head to heart
The greatest leap of faith
Is to have a heart-centered life
Oh, carry me over, sweet heart of mine
I wanna connect with you
Could this finally be the time
Have I arrived
Have I arrived
Have I arrived

Sometimes I forget about my own heart
So I have suffered from us being apart
We are part of each other
We were one back when I was young
What does it take to have that unity again
That something special
From when I was young enough
To see the unique value
That my heart brought to me

The longest distance to travel
Is traversing from head to heart
The greatest leap of faith
Is to have a heart-centered life
Oh, carry me over, sweet heart of mine
I wanna connect with you
Could this finally be the time
Have I arrived
Have I arrived
Have I arrived
Have I arrived


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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