Superpower lyrics / poem by James Barnett


Flotsam floating on the tides of life
No home to call my own
Searching for some distant shores
Been on the water for so long
I end up wondering what went wrong
Where is my usefulness
What is my superpower

I long to belong
I want to contribute
In ways that only I can
Where is my unique plan
Am I an also ran
Could I ever be useful again
Where is my special place
For me to be a necessary part
Of the human race

I can pretend to be useful
And some day it might come true
I can pretend to be useful
For me and for you
A new day is dawning
A bright one I see
A new day is dawning
A grand path for me
Oh, I get to be useful
For you and for me

Is it suddenly that I make the shift
From thinking I’m useless
To seeing my value
When I’m no longer looking
That’s when I might find
My unique purpose and peace of mind
I know that it’s possible for me
Finally to experience and see
I am using my superpower for good
For you and for me

I can pretend to be useful
And some day it might come true
I can pretend to be useful
For me and for you
A new day is dawning
A bright one I see
A new day is dawning
A grand path for me
Oh, I get to be useful
For you and for me

I’ve been going through life
Unaware of my superpower
I might even have more than one
It would help to know my superpower
Then I’d know how I can best contribute
Oh, I get to be useful
Even before I know my superpower
And what if I have more than one
Could I combine them
And have them work together
I could have many superpowers
And not even know it
My secret identity is secret even from me

I can go on pretending to be useful
And some day it does come true
I can keep pretending to be useful
For me and for you
A new day is dawning
A bright one I see
A new day is dawning
A grand path for me
Oh, I get to be useful
For you and for me


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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