
When Would Now Be the Time to Free Your Voice

You have more to give than you realize. You are more than you realize. The energy contained within you fuels the universe.

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies, were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.” – Carl Sagan

Let your voice be heard. Really give yourself the opportunity to make whatever positive impact you can. You are here to help humanity grow. The wisdom of our ancestors lives within you. Make them proud.

When would now be the time to free your voice?


Soak up the positivity as you read these lyrics, and apply the message contained here. You have so much to give.

“Your Voice” lyrics / poem by James Barnett

Ever feel like you have nothing to say
Nothing to contribute
Nothing to give
Since the secret of living is giving
From that perspective
It can look like there’s no point in living
That’s the danger of such a viewpoint
Following along with it can lead to your death
That’s not a healthy way of looking at things
Instead recognize that you have so much to say
So much to contribute
So much to give
It’s in your best interests to live
Really live

Your voice is an instrument
It is a wind instrument
So use it well
You have more to say than you realize
Connect with the source of all life
And see that you are such an important part
Of all that is, was, and will be
The future is yours to create
Speak it into existence
Make it real with your actions
The power flows through you
The power of creation lives within you
Remember who you are
Remember, I tell you, Remember

Wake up and see that you are shockingly strong
You surely belong
In this rich tapestry of being
In this wondrous blend of agony and ecstasy
Why remain silent
It’s time to be vibrant
Watch the colors burst forth
As you finally speak your joy
Happiness and freedom can still shine through
Even in the midst of poverty and defeat
Rewrite reality
Speak now and be heard
Roar, laugh, and sing
Reveal the giant within

Your voice is an instrument
It is a wind instrument
So use it well
You have more to say than you realize
Connect with the source of all life
And see that you are such an important part
Of all that is, was, and will be
The future is yours to create
Speak it into existence
Make it real with your actions
The power flows through you
The power of creation lives within you
Remember who you are
Remember, I tell you, Remember

Though slavery has lasted through the centuries
It doesn’t have to be permanent
You can liberate others
Even as you free yourself
Participate in humanity’s progression
You are an expression of God
The universe wouldn’t have it any other way
We move out of the cave
And into the light of day
From darkness to light
From scarcity to abundance
From silence to speaking
It’s time to be playing
The role that you’re here to perform
Speak, contribute, give
And live, really live

Your voice is an instrument
It is a wind instrument
So use it well
You have more to say than you realize
Connect with the source of all life
And see that you are such an important part
Of all that is, was, and will be
The future is yours to create
Speak it into existence
Make it real with your actions
The power flows through you
The power of creation lives within you
Remember who you are
Remember, I tell you, Remember

You have such wonders to perform
That are much higher than the norm
So you will speak out and be heard
Because you are nothing and word
Stand up and be of good courage
Reality arises from language
Create the reality you want to see
Cast off your chains now and be free
Keep on remembering who you are
Keep on going, travel far


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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4 thoughts on “When Would Now Be the Time to Free Your Voice”

  1. What I love in particular about your site is the clarity and layout of everything. You will create a lasting impact in more lives. Tons of people out there would like to do more with the potential within.

    1. Thank you, Charles, for your positive feedback. So much of the potential within has been wasted, and not only mine. Perhaps we will get to see tons more people doing more with the potential within. These can be exciting times in which we live.

  2. I’ve learned to listen first and speak less. When I do speak, it’s with calmness and sincerity, and yet it’s not always well-received, or it’s simply rejected. That shut me down for many, many years. I’ve come through a lot of trials. Now in the midpoint of my life, I wish I could find my voice again, but past experiences keep me silent. I can write, and that helps somewhat. Nowadays, when people are so easily offended, it’s riskier than ever to speak up, but I’m praying for the boldness and courage to do so.

    1. Hi Anne, yes, it can be painful to speak, especially with people being so easily offended. Writing is an excellent outlet. I write a lot more than I speak. I’d really like to speak, too, but at least there’s some outlet for expression. I can really relate to what you said in your comment. Thank you for sharing and for being so open. You’re already showing boldness and courage.

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