Child-free by Choice. Another Option to Go With in Life


In my previous post, “Pollock Clinics Vasectomy Review: Permanent Birth Control for Men,” I talked about my vasectomy experience and recommended that any man who wants to get a vasectomy either go to Pollock Clinics or somewhere else that uses the same method.

I have found that people who want to have children tend to put the emphasis almost entirely on having biological children. Meanwhile, there are multiple options for having children. These include:

  • Biological children;
  • Stepchildren;
  • Foster children;
  • Adopted children;
  • Surrogate children;
  • Godchildren;
  • Grandchildren;
  • Great grandchildren; and
  • Great great grandchildren.

And then there are those, like me, who prefer to be child-free by choice, which is simply another option to go with in life. It’s what works for me, and as with anything, your mileage may vary.

Whether to have children or not and which of the 9 methods mentioned above to go with for having children if you want to have them are considerations that could affect you for the rest of your life. Obviously, choose carefully and choose wisely.

Meanwhile, here are lyrics below where I talk about my choice.

“Child-free by Choice” lyrics / poem by James Barnett

Haunted by my dad’s experience
He never got to meet me
He didn’t want to have children
He and my mom were newly married
When she got pregnant with me
They didn’t agree about being parents
So my mom went away
Back to her home town
To give birth to me on a Sunday

Tubes cut and burned shut
That’s the vasectomy way
I chose not to repeat what my dad went through
I am child-free by choice
Yes, it’s a sacrifice not to be a father
Yet it’s one I willingly make
I have my own reasons
And I stand by my choice
It’s plenty enough to take care of myself
My life is all about freedom and travel
And taking better care of the ones
Already here on Earth

My parents were separated
Before I was born
I never met my dad
He died when I was eighteen
I found out too late to meet him
I was raised in a single parent household
Something that’s increasingly common
My mom did the best that she could
Things could have been so much worse
I’m grateful for what I’ve got
It’s a lot to build on

Tubes cut and burned shut
That’s the vasectomy way
I chose not to repeat what my dad went through
I am child-free by choice
Yes, it’s a sacrifice not to be a father
Yet it’s one I willingly make
I have my own reasons
And I stand by my choice
It’s plenty enough to take care of myself
My life is all about freedom and travel
And taking better care of the ones
Already here on Earth

It took a failed relationship
For me to be honest with myself
Like my dad, I don’t want children either
And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that
It’s equally valid to be that way
Feels like I’m defending my point of view
Oh well, so be it
It’s part of who I am
And I accept myself
There are many others like me
We don’t have to agree with the conformity
The choice is there and we are free
Being child-free, choose
I choose being child-free

Tubes cut and burned shut
That’s the vasectomy way
I chose not to repeat what my dad went through
I am child-free by choice
Yes, it’s a sacrifice not to be a father
Yet it’s one I willingly make
I have my own reasons
And I stand by my choice
It’s plenty enough to take care of myself
My life is all about freedom and travel
And taking better care of the ones
Already here on Earth
That’s something
That can always be improved upon


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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