Fall, Giants, Flood lyrics / poem by James Barnett


What forbidden knowledge did I seek
As I went to the basement
I was only two years old
I couldn’t keep my balance
Like Humpty Dumpty, I took a great fall
There was no gate to stop me
I kept on rolling and hitting my head
On seemingly every step on the way down
Getting pulled by the force of gravity
Helpless to stop myself
Before journey’s end
When I finally reached the basement

I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body

The pain became too much
Emotions seeked release
I couldn’t help myself
It was time to cry
I knew that I was lovable
I knew that someone would arrive
So I let my voice be heard
And wondered who would come
To help me out
Who will get here first

I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body

In my grandparents’ house
I had fallen below ground
What was I looking for
What was I curious about
Whatever it was, I didn’t find it
I simply found pain instead
My grandparents weren’t the ones
To come to my rescue
I don’t know where they were at the time
Maybe Grandma was in the garden
Maybe Grandpa was out bowling
Others had to come to my rescue instead

I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body

Who arrived to pick me up
To get me back above the ground
Who else would it be
It was the future owners of the house
My uncle and my mom
They got there as fast as they could
Which turned out to be right away
I knew then that I was safe
The pain still surged through my body
But at least I stopped falling
And I could get back out of there

I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body
I was fallen in the land of the giants
Hit by a flood of emotions
As pain surged through my body


I wrote the “Fall, Giants, Flood” lyrics / poem on July 9, 2020.

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Until next time,

James Barnett

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