Flip the Script of Your Life to Something Positive


The world is a reflection of your thoughts. I’ve experienced the reality of that countless times. If I’ve expected people to yell at me, they yell at me. If I’ve expected them to be cruel to me, they live down to my expectations. It goes the other way, too, of course.

If I expect people to be kind to me, they’ve been kind to me. If I expect them to treat me well, they have a habit of living up to my expectations.

Other people are a reflection of whatever is going on in my mind. It can be so predictable sometimes.

Other times, I get surprised — one way or the other.

All I can do is make room for others to be positive and loving. And I’ve got to be positive and loving as well. It’s not fair or right to only expect that of others and not to be like that myself.

Flip the script of your life to something positive. You have the power to do that. Even if you have to ignore your present circumstances to help something positive show up. Either from others or from yourself. Or both.

Enjoy these lyrics. Perhaps you can relate to the story told here.

“Flip the Script” lyrics / poem by James Barnett

I say to them “Kick me while I’m down”
And they do
I say to them “Rip me to pieces”
And they do
I say to them “Spit on me and disrespect me”
And they do, and they do

It’s been so effective to sell a substandard script
Of who I am
I play the world’s victim
I act like I’m life’s bitch
I pretend, I pretend
To be a weak man who’s got nothing going on
Nothing to live for and nothing to show

There’s got to be something else to present
Other than this
There’s got to be something worth fighting for
What could that be
There’s got to be something worth being alive for
Could that be me
Oh, I wonder
Could that be me

I keep searching
I keep seeking
I keep looking
For the missing pieces to the puzzle of my life
I keep knocking
I keep asking
I keep going
Towards the answers that might
Finally give peace

I survive, I survive
And that hasn’t been all that I can do
I’m alive, I’m alive
And it’s time to myself be true
Now I thrive, now I thrive
Ultimately flipping the script of who I am
Now I thrive, now I thrive
Ultimately flipping the script of who I am

I’m really the world’s victor
I’m authentically creating life
I’m a winner and I’m showing myself to be
A strong man who’s got everything going on
Everything to live for and so much to show
So very much to show
More than I could ever know

I say to them “Pick me up and hold me high”
I say to them “Put me back together again”
I say to them “Respect me now and forever”
And they do, and they do, and they do
And they do, and they do, and they do
And they do, and they do, and they do
And they do, and they do, and they do
And they do, and they do, and they do


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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