Meaning of Life lyrics / poem by James Barnett


I’ve been searching for something real
For oh so long
I end up wondering if I’ll ever find it
When I was a boy
I thought that it was possible
To find what I’m searching for
But somewhere along the way
I got so tired I had to rest
As the years stretched into decades
And I grew up to be a man

Who knows where the answers are
But I suppose that depends
On the questions being asked
As to where the query lies
I must be here
For some reason or another
Otherwise, what is the point
There’s just got to be some meaning
To all of this
Is it outside or within
Could it be something of both of those
I wonder
Some combination of the two
Is it with me and also you
I’d like to know what’s true

Lyrics in my dreams
Have been so beautiful
I wouldn’t have it any other way
Now if only I’d remember them
When I’m awake during the day
I want that beauty here to stay

Is heaven available
While we’re still here on earth
I prefer to think that’s possible
Perhaps that is what life’s about
Bringing heaven here to earth

Who knows where the answers are
But I suppose that depends
On the questions being asked
As to where the query lies
I must be here
For some reason or another
Otherwise, what is the point
There’s just got to be some meaning
To all of this
Is it outside or within
Could it be something of both of those
I wonder
Some combination of the two
Is it with me and also you
I’d like to know what’s true

I used to know the meaning of life
Too bad I forgot what that is
Or am I contradicting myself
Did I remember after all
Heaven on earth
What a dream to live for
Could that beauty come here and stay
Heaven on earth
What’s with all these sirens today
Heaven on earth
Do our troubles fade away
Heaven on earth
That’s the meaning of life
What we’re all here for
Is to bring that meaning to life
Heaven on earth
It’s what I long for

Who knows where the answers are
But I suppose that depends
On the questions being asked
As to where the query lies
I must be here
For some reason or another
Otherwise, what is the point
There’s just got to be some meaning
To all of this
Is it outside or within
Could it be something of both of those
I wonder
Some combination of the two
Is it with me and also you
I’d like to know what’s true

Heaven on earth
Something available for me and you
Heaven on earth


I wrote the “Meaning of Life” lyrics / poem on May 6, 2021.

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Until next time,

James Barnett

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