
What Does It Take to Bring About Lasting Change?

What does it take to bring about lasting change?

I don’t have the answer. I’m genuinely asking. If anybody has some great ideas to share or some stories to tell about what it takes to bring about lasting change, then please let me know in the comments section below. I’d really like to know.

“Change” lyrics / poem by James Barnett

Stuck in a time loop
Of some kind
That’s what it’s felt like
For so long
Each day repeats
What’s gone on before
I’m the common factor in it all
I’ve felt trapped
Hopeless and helpless
Unable to escape
Or so I thought
It’s just what I’ve been used to
Anything else would require change

Change happens
Whether I want it or not
Change still takes place
With or without me
Do I change with the times
Or do the times change me
It’s my choice
To adapt or die
I choose to change
I need to
I want to
I change

Now embracing what I’ve got to let go
Now caught up in the emptiness
Of the moment
Now looking in the recesses of my mind
So many questions forming
What is there to do
But more importantly
Asking myself Why
The Why of my life and of each day
And as I continue my journey
Does my Why change
Or does it stay the same
Does it always stay the same

Change happens
Whether I want it or not
Change still takes place
With or without me
Do I change with the times
Or do the times change me
It’s my choice
To adapt or die
I choose to change
I need to
I want to
I change

Releasing what I’ve got to let go
Making room for nothing and everything
The starting point of inspiration
To charge me through the perspiration
Working hard and having fun
Working smart and living it up
Wisdom is the best path
I’d rather change before I have to
I’d better change while I still can

Change happens
Whether I want it or not
Change still takes place
With or without me
Do I change with the times
Or do the times change me
It’s my choice
To adapt or die
I choose to change
I need to
I want to
I change


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Until next time,

James Barnett

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2 thoughts on “What Does It Take to Bring About Lasting Change?”

  1. Thank you so much for this article, James! I feel that in order to bring about change, we must first determine what we want to change, why we want to change it, and then figure out what steps we need to take in order to bring that change about. Action is not progressive without a plan. Acting without thinking will usually cause a person to be in a less than desirable predicament.

    However, I feel that most of us want to change this world for the better, and God has given each of us skills and abilities to do just that. We must recognize these skills, hone in on them, plan ahead, and act. Great things will happen. God bless you!

    1. Thank you very much, C.N., for your comment! You’ve described the process for lasting change very well. The process isn’t easy, but it’s well worth following. God bless you, too!

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