• What Do I Wanna Be Now That I’m Grown Up?

    What Do I Wanna Be Now That I’m Grown Up?

    My Heart: What do you wanna be when you grow up? Me: I already am grown up. My Heart: Then you begin to see yourself clearly. You’re gaining clarity about who you already are. Me: I’ve longed for a definite direction to go in. I’ve seen certain other people have a clarity of purpose. They know…

  • Conversation About Excitement for My Own Life

    Conversation About Excitement for My Own Life

    Me: I’ve had trouble getting excited enough about my own life. Why is that? My Heart: Are you comparing your own life to dreams you’ve had? Me: Yes, at least partly. There’s the dreams I’ve had for how I’d like my life to be and there’s the dreams I’ve had when my eyes were closed. My Heart: There’s…

  • Faith Is Like a Muscle. You’ve Got to Exercise It to Make It Stronger

    Faith Is Like a Muscle. You’ve Got to Exercise It to Make It Stronger

    Me: I don’t trust my own voice. My Heart: That is an extremely common problem to have. You don’t want to stand out. You don’t want to look like a fool. You don’t trust yourself. Me: I don’t see the value of what I have to say. I consider that others have already said something…

  • Where to Find the Comfort You’ve Been Seeking

    Where to Find the Comfort You’ve Been Seeking

    My Heart: Are you looking for comfort? Me: It would help, yes. My Heart: What troubles you? Me: The central issue of why I’ve avoided being connected with you, my heart. My Heart: The avoidance of connection with me for so much of your life. Me: I remember a period of time when I felt numb. I couldn’t feel anything. My Heart: You…

  • What’s on Your Mind? What’s on Your Heart?

    What’s on Your Mind? What’s on Your Heart?

    These conversations with my heart can seem like “Dear Diary” entries. I especially enjoy the interactivity of the back and forth conversations. What’s on Your Mind? What’s on Your Heart? My Heart: What’s on your mind today? Me: I’m annoyed. My Heart: That’s interesting. I ask you what’s on your mind, and you mention an emotion you’re…

  • Microscopic Faith or Faith as Visible as a Mustard Seed?

    Microscopic Faith or Faith as Visible as a Mustard Seed?

    I like to think of my heart as being a more mature version of myself. I consider my heart to be a mentor for me, and I enoy the conversations that we have. Microscopic Faith or Faith as Visible as a Mustard Seed? Me: I have long considered fear to be my biggest obstacle, but recently…

  • Proving Fear and Doubt Wrong

    Proving Fear and Doubt Wrong

    As before, a conversation with my heart started with my heart asking me a question. Since I didn’t answer the question the first time I was asked, my heart kept asking the question over a period of multiple days. Here is the result from when I finally joined the conversation… Proving Fear and Doubt Wrong My…

  • Company in a Moment of Solitude

    Company in a Moment of Solitude

    Now and then, I’ve heard a voice come through clearly. Not an audible voice. An inner voice. One that encourages me to listen to it on a regular basis. One that can be all too easy to forget and ignore. Earlier this month, I heard the voice ask me a question, and that led to…

  • Collective, Impromptu Love Letter

    Collective, Impromptu Love Letter

    My girlfriend and I have been away from each other for over 8.5 months. I got to return to Canada to take care of some personal matters, and she stayed in Portugal to take care of our two cats. At the same time, we both decided to apply for the resident permit in Portugal because…

  • What Is a Blessing in Disguise — A Reflection on a Chinese Fable

    What Is a Blessing in Disguise — A Reflection on a Chinese Fable

    A recent conversation with my girlfriend about things in the past sparked our interest in the subject of blessings in disguise. We discussed our previous misfortunes in love and relationships, in financial losses and missed opportunities. In times of sorrow, our pain and suffering blinded us from recognizing the silver lining of the seemingly unfortunate…

  • What Is The Prayer of Azariah and The Song of the Three Jews About — Praying and Singing Even in the Threat of Death

    What Is The Prayer of Azariah and The Song of the Three Jews About — Praying and Singing Even in the Threat of Death

    There once was a cranky king who got angry with three men, and he tried to have them burned alive. That cranky king was Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and the three men were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. They were Jews. Nebuchadnezzar had conquered the kingdom of Judah and brought many captives back with him to Babylon.…

  • What Is AWAI About – A Writing Exercise from the Accelerated Copywriting Program

    What Is AWAI About – A Writing Exercise from the Accelerated Copywriting Program

    What is AWAI about? AWAI stands for American Writers and Artists Inc., which is a company that trains people to make a living as a writer. You can work remotely. You can design your life and have the freedom that you’ve suspected could be possible for you. At least that’s the idea. There is, as with…

  • What Is Proverbs About – Learn and Apply Wisdom with The 5-Year Proverbs Challenge

    What Is Proverbs About – Learn and Apply Wisdom with The 5-Year Proverbs Challenge

    What is Proverbs about? The Book of Proverbs is a well-known example of wisdom literature, a literary genre from which we can learn wisdom. What is wisdom about? Wisdom can include the following: • Discernment / Understanding / Insight; • Knowledge; • Good judgment; and • Correct application of knowledge. When you and I learn…

  • A Message for Men from a Son

    A Message for Men from a Son

    Imagine this scenario. You’re newly married, and you’ve accidentally gotten your wife pregnant. The only thing is that you never discussed beforehand if you ever wanted to be parents. So, What Do You Do? You haven’t had a vasectomy. You didn’t use a condom or pull out in time. You also didn’t use any other…

  • What’s With All the Yelling? There Is a Gentler Way

    What’s With All the Yelling? There Is a Gentler Way

    What’s with all the yelling? There is a gentler way. It can’t be that yelling is the default reaction. On that note, why react at all? Why not respond instead? Why not admit that the other person has feelings, too, and is worth being treated with care? I’ve been on both sides of the yelling,…

  • The Secret to Living Is Giving. Where Can I Start With Giving?

    The Secret to Living Is Giving. Where Can I Start With Giving?

    “The secret to living is giving.” – Tony Robbins Where can I start with giving? “Give, and it will be given to you. … For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Luke 6:38 “The Law of Giving is very simple. If you want joy, give joy. If love is what…

  • What I’ve Learned from 4 Times I Got Pulled Over by the Cops

    What I’ve Learned from 4 Times I Got Pulled Over by the Cops

    I don’t envy cops. They’re in a line of work I can so easily imagine isn’t enjoyable for them. There’s the physical risk involved. Their lives are at risk. There’s the social stigma. Regular citizens avoid them even if those citizens have nothing to hide and nothing to be afraid of. And there’s all that…

  • What I Learned From When a Drunk Driver Totaled My Car

    What I Learned From When a Drunk Driver Totaled My Car

    This happened many years ago, but I still don’t like thinking about it. The 2009 Kia car is the car I had the longest out of all my cars. There were some troubles with the Kia, especially in the beginning. Even with all that, I had gotten attached to that car. We had been through…

  • Why You Got Up This Morning

    Why You Got Up This Morning

    The next day of your life has arrived. You could lie in bed, like I have, for hours. Refusing to get up and get going. Or you could get up right away and get started on all that you can take on today. Whichever it is, you know as well as I do that you…

  • 5 Options for How to Use Your Imagination

    5 Options for How to Use Your Imagination

    Children, in certain ways, are much wiser than adults. Children understand the importance of playing and having fun. They are more accepting of themselves and others. And they know how powerful the imagination is. Somehow, somewhere, those wise practices and attitudes typically get lost during the transition from childhood to adulthood. What if you could…

  • Mapping the Future: Mike Dooley’s 3 Steps for Creating Change

    Mapping the Future: Mike Dooley’s 3 Steps for Creating Change

    I’ve been watching a webinar series by Mike Dooley. The previous post, “Miracles Happen Every Day. Here Are Some of Mine,” was me working through the first worksheet. The exercise there was to help me admit that miracles have happened in my life before and can keep on happening, too. The second worksheet is called…

  • Miracles Happen Every Day. Here Are Some of Mine

    Miracles Happen Every Day. Here Are Some of Mine

    I struggle with identifying miracles that have happened to me. I also struggle with doing personal development exercises, including this one from a Mike Dooley webinar. “What’s your miraculous story? When have you experienced a transformation that completely took you by surprise or wildly exceeded your expectations – a miracle … sparked by a situation or event…

  • What Your Scars Say about You

    What Your Scars Say about You

    See this scar on my left wrist? That’s from when my front teeth got knocked out. I scraped my wrist when I landed on the pavement. And this scar on my left knee? That’s from when I fell and scraped my knee on gravel as a boy. I had to take the pieces of gravel out…

  • How to Apply Learned Optimism: A Sample Disputation Record

    How to Apply Learned Optimism: A Sample Disputation Record

    In a previous post, I reviewed the “Learned Optimism” book by Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology. I explained what learned optimism is, and I recommend you go to the review to familiarize yourself with the concept and what’s involved in applying it. ==> Click here to read my review of the “Learned Optimism” book. <==…

  • What Is an Overdose About – My History of Non-Fatal Overdoses

    What Is an Overdose About – My History of Non-Fatal Overdoses

    What is an overdose about? Over a period of 19 years, I overdosed multiple times on multiple substances. Each time, I thought I could handle larger amounts and not suffer any consequences. The possibility of overdosing didn’t enter my mind. Using and abusing substances is similar to gambling. They can both be addictive behaviors, and with…

  • What I’ve Learned from Cats and Kittens about Life

    What I’ve Learned from Cats and Kittens about Life

    If I dare to be humble enough, I can learn from anyone and anything. I got my front teeth knocked out when I was 17. I nearly drowned when I was 18. What did I learn? “My parents were separated before I was born. I never met my dad. He died when I was 18.”…

  • What Is Speaking About: An Introvert’s Perspective

    What Is Speaking About: An Introvert’s Perspective

    Dear Speaker, As an introvert, I’ve often wondered what speaking is about. I’ve seen so many other people talk as if they know exactly what to say in each circumstance, while I’m surprised if I say anything. I’ve made so many mistakes. I didn’t use the right tone, speak at the right time, or say the…

  • Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and the Word of the Year Alternative

    Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and the Word of the Year Alternative

    New Year’s resolutions are well known for not working out. How many don’t work out? At least 4 out of 5. And the ones that fail typically don’t make it as far as the end of January. Even with the odds against you to this extent, people still set new year’s resolutions anyway. Setting those…

  • Why Being a Grandparent Can Be More Fun Than Being a Parent

    Why Being a Grandparent Can Be More Fun Than Being a Parent

    Grandparents get the opportunity to help raise children a second time around. Except the pressure is off. This time, it’s their children’s children. Now grandparents get to have fun in ways that they didn’t get to while they raised their children. Maybe having grandchildren is how grandparents can relive their childhoods, better than with their…

  • Lessons Learned from Getting My Teeth Knocked Out

    Lessons Learned from Getting My Teeth Knocked Out

    Dear Friend, Have you ever had situations where you were right, but you still lost? Remember those times as I tell you about lessons I learned from getting my teeth knocked out. I had the right of way and still lost my front teeth. Lesson #1: Don’t Be Hasty I was 17. I had graduated from…

  • Want to Live Longer? Then Say Goodbye to Getting Sick

    Want to Live Longer? Then Say Goodbye to Getting Sick

    Heart disease. Cancer. Depression. Anxiety. Diabetes. Obesity. These various forms of sickness are some of the major killers worldwide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I submit the idea that humanity is stronger than any sickness. And if we can conquer sickness, that opens up a whole world of possibilities, including living longer.…

  • How to Design Your Life: Get Your Life Vision Template

    How to Design Your Life: Get Your Life Vision Template

    Here is the template you can download and use to put your vision for your life in writing. No sign-up is required. For more information, see the “LifeBook Online Review: How to Design Your Life” post. If you have any questions or comments, please add them in the comments section below. Conclusion Thank you for reading.…

  • What Is Happiness About? The Elusive Search for Something Real

    What Is Happiness About? The Elusive Search for Something Real

    Does anyone remember the Peanuts book “Happiness Is a Warm Puppy” by Charles M. Schulz? It contains a series of “Happiness is …” statements accompanied by Charles M. Schulz’s illustrations. Here are some statements from the book: “Happiness is an umbrella and a new raincoat.” “Happiness is a pile of leaves.” “Happiness is sleeping in…

  • What to Do When Your Depression Hits the Hardest

    What to Do When Your Depression Hits the Hardest

    This post contains affiliate link(s). An affiliate link means I may earn advertising or referral fees if you purchase through my link. What is depression about? Depression can hit you at any time and any place. Sometimes it makes sense when it hits. Like when someone you know has died or you go through a…

  • 8 Places to Look for Variety in the Monotony of Life

    8 Places to Look for Variety in the Monotony of Life

    There is more to experience, see, hear, taste, touch, smell, feel, and learn than can be done in one lifetime. Yet, even with all that, there are times when it doesn’t feel like enough. When you’re feeling bored, what do you do? If you’re wondering where to look for variety in the monotony of life,…

  • How to Be the Best You Can Be. It Is Possible…

    How to Be the Best You Can Be. It Is Possible…

    Dear Great One, You’re still breathing, and you still have time to fulfill your life mission, which will require a lot more from you than you ever thought possible. Good thing you’re about to learn “How to Be the Best You Can Be.” #1. Start with “Thank You” “If the only prayer you ever say…

  • Why These Types of Freedom Are Unhealthy… and What You Can Do About It

    Why These Types of Freedom Are Unhealthy… and What You Can Do About It

    Isn’t freedom a good thing? How could freedom possibly be unhealthy? Isn’t freedom something that we need more of, not less? I will address each of those questions. I’m here to challenge thoughts that have held us back, including me. Certain types of freedom are unhealthy. I’ll explain why that is and what you can…

  • What I Learned From When I Was In Over My Head and Bouncing Off the Bottom

    What I Learned From When I Was In Over My Head and Bouncing Off the Bottom

    Dear Friend, Have you ever been in a situation where you were forced to get clear and take immediate action? Yes, and probably more than you realize, too. You likely don’t give yourself the credit that you deserve. You’ve been backed into a corner before. You could have given up, but you didn’t. Giving up…

  • Personal Learning Plan Template: Your Path for Intentional Growth

    Personal Learning Plan Template: Your Path for Intentional Growth

    Dear Lifelong Learner, You are too important to leave your growth to chance. The sooner you accept that and do something about it, the better off you’ll be. Sustained and lasting success requires a plan. A plan that you’ll apply and adjust as necessary. As with many other things in life, it helps to have…

  • The Genius Equation: You’re Closer Than You Thought to Revealing the Genius That You Are

    The Genius Equation: You’re Closer Than You Thought to Revealing the Genius That You Are

    This post contains affiliate link(s). An affiliate link means I may earn advertising or referral fees if you purchase through my link. Regarding this topic, I thought of the statement used in Scotiabank’s marketing. “You’re richer than you think.” The concept is quite similar to the Genius Equation, too. You’re closer than you thought to…

  • I Have Never Met My Dad – Making Peace with the Past

    I Have Never Met My Dad – Making Peace with the Past

    “My parents were separated before I was born. I never met my dad. He died when I was 18.” Whenever I shared those three sentences with people, I shared something that affected my entire life. Something that happened before I was born. Something that might come to define my life mission. “I have never met…

  • How to Find Your Inner Strength – and Why That Matters

    How to Find Your Inner Strength – and Why That Matters

    This post contains affiliate link(s). An affiliate link means I may earn advertising or referral fees if you purchase through my link. Depression. Obesity. Laziness. Premature death. Besides being global epidemics, what do all these things and others have in common? They are symptoms of a problem facing all of humanity. It’s something I see…

  • About


    This website aims to create a learning space to discover who we are and the unlimited potential that we each have within and also to convert these discoveries into definite actions and results. Personal development programs/courses, books, retreats, metaphysics, and quantum physics are among the various modalities which facilitate the quest for the giants within…